January Gardening Tips
January is a great time to start off your gardening year. There are plenty of jobs to do during the colder months.

Most plants are dormant over the winter months, which is the perfect time to put new plants into the ground where they can get their roots established and ready for when top growth starts later in the year.
Provided January is not too frosty you can plant new ornamental & fruit trees, shrubs, roses, and soft fruit into your garden. It is also a good time to move any of your existing plants into a new position while they are dormant if they need a better spot, or if you just want to change up your garden design.
Now is also the time to start planning what you want to grow this year, some plants can be started from seed this month in a heated propagator like Chillies or in a cold frame like Sweet Peas.
It is good to have a general garden tidy and clean, sweep up fallen leaves and wash out empty pots to reduce any pests and diseases that might hide over the winter. Don’t forget to keep feeding birds high-energy food and fresh water in your bird baths to keep them going through the winter months.
- Plant bare-root roses, shrubs, hedging, fruit and ornamental trees while they are dormant avoiding any periods of frosty weather.
- Keep deadheading any winter bedding to keep them flowering and remove any browning leaves to stop the rot from downy mildew.
- Plant up pots of bulbs to enjoy their spring flowers later in your borders or containers. Mix different varieties together to create months of colour.
- Plan your sowing for the year, buy new seeds for later in the year and clean tools and trays ready for the growing season. Some varieties can be started now.
- Feed birds with high-energy food over the winter months, regularly clean feeders provide fresh water in bird baths and add warm water in frosty weather to clear ice.
Jobs to do in January
Rose bushes can be pruned now and bare-root roses can be planted
Cut back ornamental grasses now to just a couple of inches from the ground
Deadhead your pansies and violas
Protect plants from frost with a cloche or mulch
Start chitting early potatoes now
Plant of the Month
Hedera (Ivy)
Helix varieties are a good choice for the wildlife garden because they attract a large range of insects.
The leaves give shelter to overwintering butterflies and food for emerging caterpillars. The plant provides nesting sites for wrens, sparrows and blackbirds. The berries are eaten by resident birds and winter visitors. Autumn flowers supply nectar for hoverflies, holly blue and tortoiseshell butterflies.